Priding themselves on manufacturing the first waist overalls in 1873, Levi's continues its legacy of denim production. What started as an invention for the American worker became the uniform of progress. Worn by miners, cowboys, rebels, rock stars, presidents and everyday men and women, these functional pieces were the clothes people not only worked in—they lived their lives in, too. In addition, Levi's are the purest wearable form of self-expression. Levi Strauss & Co is now one of the world's largest brand-name apparel companies and a global leader in denim.
578™ Baggy Jean Denim Levi's
511™ Slim 34” Denim Levi's
468™ Loose Shorts Denim Levi's
568™ Loose Straight Jeans Denim Levi's
578™ Baggy Jean Denim Levi's
XX Chino Bay Short II Shorts Levi's
511™ Slim 34” Denim Levi's
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